
Healing The Soul in the Age of the Brain
Becoming Conscious in an Unconscious World
by Elio Frattaroli, M.D.
Acclaim for Dr. Frattaroli's Book
Perhaps no one has released so creative, so audacious . . . a critique of
contemporary society's love affair with psychiatric medication as that
offered by Dr. Elio Frattaroli
Harvard Crimson
(U)nique in the beauty of its writing and its cogent integration of a
theory of treatment with models for the good life and for consciousness....a
feast for the reader ...appropriate for the educated general public[and]
certainly a must-read for clinicians (trainees or seasoned practitioners) ...
I can think of few works that have affected me so directly and profoundly.
Howard H. Covitz, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic
Association, Volume 50, #2, Spring 2002.
Healing the soul is a fascinating, ruthlessly honest and poignant journey of
one brave soul who happens to be a psychoanalyst. On all levelsfrom the
exploration of the philosophy of mind/brain, through the brilliant critique
of the drug cowboys who want to merely keep us level and smiling, to the
intense work of being with his patients in a truly mutual, whole, and
making-whole therapy processDr. Frattaroli's fine book insists that we
wake up and embrace the essence of that which is always with us, our souls.
Samuel Shem, author of The House of God and Mount Misery
We are not mechanisms! With the clarity of an insider, psychotherapist and analyst Dr. Elio Frattaroli takes on the current psychiatric infatuation with biological reductionism. As persons, we are more than the sum of our neurological interactions, even more than our neuroses. We are spirit and soul. With verve and freshness, Dr. Fratteroli leads us with practical steps toward a soul-centered psychotherapy. A lucid and important work.
Terry Real, author of I Don't Want to Talk About It: The Secret Legacy of Male Depression
This is an absolutely necessary book. In America, we give dangerous psychiatric drugs to our children and ask Should I take Prozac? instead of Why do I suffer? Surely, we are losing our minds and our humanity. Elio Frattaroli is a wise, funny, and inspiring advisor who, as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, clearly shows us the risks we are taking, as well as the solutions available through our own insights.
Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D., Author of The Resilient Spirit and Women and Desire
This superb new book is a much-needed wake-up call. Frattaroli reminds us that there is a person behind the symptoms-a human spirit yearning to be known and understood.
Glen O. Gabbard, M. D., Professor of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine
This is a terrific book. Elio Frattaroli illuminates hugely important truths about our innate human complexity in this fascinating excursion through psychology, neuroscience, literature and quantum physics. Along the path, he deflates several overblown sacred cows of 'modern medicine' while revealing himself to be humble, honest and a truly gifted psychiatrist.
John L. Schwartz, MD Editor in Chief, Psychiatric Times
In this insightful, comprehensive book, Dr. Frattaroli offers an inside view of how psychotherapy works to change lives. As a psychologist, novelist and patient, whom psychoanalysis freed to be creative, I recommend this book as a valuable tool for professionals and as an illuminating resource for anyone interested in how human beings can benefit from facing the unconscious fantasies that hold them prisoner.
Lucy Daniels, Ph.D., author of Caleb My Son, High on a Hill, With a Woman's Voice
[Frattaroli's] insights are fresh, highly readable, informative,
passionate and memorable.
Publishers Weekly review
A major achievement, this is essential for all libraries.
E. James Lieberman, Library Journal review
If Freud experiences a revival, he may thank Frattaroli for it.
Gilbert Taylor, Booklist review
Frattaroli takes readers on a breathtaking ride through science,
history, literature and art to lay bare the complexity and
significance of the human spirit... [He] brilliantly illustrates why
becoming human conscious, emotional, and soulful is a
challenge we must accept.
Jesse Gale, Barnes & Noble review
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